🟩 Rincent BTP Rwanda carried out bridge loading tests on two bridges located on the Warufu River crossing on the road from Nyagatare District to Rukomo of Gicumbi District.
➡️ Four lorries loaded to 27 tons were used following the recommendations of the SETRA technical guide published in 2004 and entitled: Loading tests for road bridges and footbridges.
➡️ The objective is to measure the deformations under load and compare them with those deduced from the calculation.

🟩 Real Contractors LTD assigned to Rincent BTP Rwanda to carry out quality control tests as part of the Project of roads construction in Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture Campus (RICA). Among quality control tests the field density test was request by the client.
➡️ The Field density test is an in situ quality control test carried out in construction works, especially those related to earthworks.When the soil compaction process is ongoing, field density test should be performed to determine if the compaction we are doing is sufficient.
➡️ The field density test measures the relative density of soil that has been compacted using compaction equipment and the result of this test is expressed as a %. This relative density is measured by comparing the maximum dry density obtained in a field test with the maximum dry density in a laboratory test as a standard reference.

🟩 STEG International Services assigned to Rincent BTP Rwanda to carry out soil resistivity measurements as part of the Bwishyura Subtation construction works.
➡️ The objective being to estimate the expected corrosion load of the soil and to design the cathodic protection systems.
➡️ We performed the soil electrical profiling in Wenner configuration.

🟩 Girinzu Developers hzas assigned to Rincent BTP Rwanda to undertake a geotechnical investigation for his real estate project to be developped in Gahanga, Kigali.
➡️ The objective being to validate the type and depth of foundation considering the soil in place and the project characteritcs.
✅ Pressuremeter test is part of the conduted investigation, allowing to assess the soil bearing capacity.

✅ As part of the feasibility study for Tanzania - Malawi 400kv power interconnection project from Mbeya substation to Kasumulu substation in Tanzania, Eco Design & Protection assigned to Rincent Laboratoires to conduct the geotechnical investigation along the power transmission line route.
➡️ Bearing capacity assessment and soil resistivity test were performed.

> Rincent BTP Rwanda performed the Geotechnical survey for the feasibility study of the Kenya - Tanzania Power Interconnection Project, related to the construction of 580km of 400kV high voltage overhead transmission lines and their associated substations of Rongai, Kilgoris, Mabuki and Ibadakuli in Kenya and Tanzania. The survey consisted in carrying out soil resistivity tests, dynamic probing light tests and trial pits along the route of the project.

> As part of "Katosi Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP) and Nsumba reservoir project”, in Uganda, Rincent BTP Rwanda conducted pressuremeter tests on two plots in Sumbwe village and on Nsumba hill. The two sites are located on the banks of Lake Victoria, in Ntenjeru Sub County, in the southern areas of Mukono district, Uganda. The mission consisted in conducting pressuremeter tests on six boreholes up to 25m deep, determining the Menard modulus EM, the Limit pressure P*lm, the Creep pressure Pf and establishing a G2 type report in accordance with the standard NF P 94-500.

> Rincent BTP Rwanda performed geotechnical investigations as part of the project to study the water resources of the Mara and Ngono valleys near Lake Victoria in Tanzania.
In the drilled boreholes, many samples were taken for identification and laboratory testing, as well as Lugeon permeability tests. These tests were intended to evaluate the possibilities of water circulation. The tests measure the permeability related to cracking in rocks and certain structured soils.

> Rincent BTP Rwanda carried out a two-span bridge loading test located on the Muregeya River crossing on the road from Rubengera to Gisiza near Lake Kivu. Four lorries loaded to 26 tons were used following the recommendations of the SETRA technical guide published in 2004 and entitled: Loading tests for road bridges and footbridges. The objective is to measure the deformations under load and compare them with those deduced from the calculation. The tests were carried out at night so as not to disturb traffic because the bridge was already in service.

> The Rincent BTP Rwanda agency in Kigali carries out SPT Standart Penetration Tests and samples on the route of the 110 kV Mukungwa - Nyabihu line as well as on two electrical substations. The results of on-site and laboratory tests are intended for the design of electricity transmission and distribution pylons.
The tests are supplemented by soil resistivity measurements at the level of the future pylons using a Wenner quadripole comprising two current injection electrodes and two reception electrodes. The test consists of varying the distance between these electrodes by moving them further apart to investigate the soil more in depth. These electrical resistance measurements are used to size the earthing of these pylons.

> Rincent BTP Rwanda is associated with the study of the Ngoma - Nyanza road for lot 2, 66.55 km long. The work concerns the Rwabusoro bridge and the road platform. For the road platform, it was a question of carrying out complete geotechnical identifications of the materials.
For the bridge, two 30 m deep surveys with SPT tests (Standard Penetration Test) were carried out. Identification, direct shear and oedometric tests were carried out on intact samples.
The corer penetration test better known as S P T leads to:
- collect information related to the threshing
- take samples for identification.
The internal diameter of the corer is 35 mmm which implies for the French standard to use it only for fine soils with a dimension of less than 20 mm. The NF standard limits the depth of investigation to 50 meters.